Research projects for greation of national geographic information systems Scientific project #1 CREATE OF NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA BANK THE AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC WITH AIM OF RATIONAL UTILISATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BY MEANS OF SYSTEM MODELLING ON COMPUTER Principal Objective of the Proposed Research. At present time the development of geographical science completely depends on application level of information technology,which in the first place requiries the development of optimal algoritms and software for system analysis of numerous complex geoinformations regularly received by the help of vizual measurements (field expedition survey) and instrumental measurements(mesurements of states and processes from satellite and a number of flying apparatus, as well as stationary station in the land and sea). One of the main problems of system research of geosystem is the revealing of emergent characteristics(characteristics to geosystems and not meeting in its component elements) of various types of geosystems by the help of application of complex methods of modern mathematics such as,theory of information(information- statistical methods and other);theory of mathematic statics(methods of factoral,regressional,correlational,component and dispersional analysis and other);theory of linear and mathix algebra(methods of linear programming:- simplex methods and other);theory of distribution(methods of parameters estimation of universe and other);theory of accidental functions(methods the definition of probablity of events and other);theory of graphs;theory of catastrophy and so on. The system research of geosystem is carried out on the followings stages: a)Collection,checking and archivization of all geoinformation(being put tu vizual and instrumental measurement(on the computer) in the form of figures or images); b)Compiling of list of scientific-geographical information on the basis of collected geoinformation; c)Extraction of scientific-geographical information from archive of technical geoinformation by the help of compiling the algorithms and programs following the mathematic and geographical criterion; d)Development of complex of applied program(on FORTRAN or other programming language) for system analysis and modelling on computer on the basic of above mentioned methods of the modern mathematics; e)Composing of complex graphical program with the aim of printing on computer the mathematic-cartographical and graphical models; f)Composing of complex of system program with the aim of implementation of system operations at all stages of system research(receiving of geoinformation from satellite,from flying apparatures and terrastrial stations) and establishing of system relations between data bases,between applied programs and computer environmental apparatus; g) Composing of documents for use of worked out geoinformation systems(GIS); h)Geographical analysis of mahematic,graphic,cartographic and figure models with aim of definition of emergent and particular pecularities(characteristics) of different types of geosystem and its component elements,which will be used in rational nature utilitization of studied territory and in a number of other industrial and agricultural projects functioning of planing in the given region. t) Organizing internal and external geocommunication system . Background information and Approach a)Input all maps:-types of relief,types of soil and plant cover,types of quaternary sediments(according to age and mechanical composition), topographical map,hydrological map,climatic map, hidrogeological map,all satellite and airphotos and number of other maps,finally,landscape(natural and antropogenic ;modern and palaeo) maps by the help of coloured scanner are entered the memory of computers or by meand of using Atlas GIS system or other MAPPING GIS. b)Input all numerical geoinformation on the memory of computer and archivization by dBASE IV of lotus 1-2-3 version 4. c)Calculation of geographical coordinates for the all geographical objects(points, regions,linears) and keep its significance on the memory of computer(by means of Atlas GIS or MAPGRAPHER GIS systems). d)Calculations of geometric parametres for contour,linear and point images with help of Atlas GIS, IDRISI,SPANS or others. e)Calculation all scientific geoinformation for generaly geosystem and its components with aim composing of geographical data bank "AZGEODAT" which have the following structures: THE STRUCTURE OF NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA BANK (AZGEODAT) "LAND.BASE":- comlex data of geosystem on macro,mezo and micro levels; cartographical data of the structure of the components of geosystem; quantity and nonquantity information for naturaly and antropogenic landscape(morphometrical and image information) and other information. "GEOMORP.HOLOGY.BASE":-morphometric data of various forms of the relief, dynamic data of geomorphological processes;cartographical data for images and linear characteristics of the relief types,data of vertical and horizontal distribution,quantitative data about the structure of the river grid and gorge- grid,quantitative data of morphostructure and morphosculpture. "PEDO.LOGY.BASE":-quantitative and qualitative data of physical and chemical characteristics soil types and species;cartographical information soil cover(image information)-square,length,width of the contoural share,the length and direction of linear picture and so on. "GEOBOTAN.BASE":- quantitative and qualitative data of plant cover of the mountain and foremountain territories;quantity of species gen and families, average number of species and gens in the family,the percentage of monolinears, biological,biometrical and phenological characteristics of the separate species and families of the plant societies;information of bioproductivity plant cover; agrometeorological characteristics for plant species and other. "FAUNA.BASE":-quantitative characteristics of faun for naturaly zones on the research territory,and its ecological information and other. "METEO.CLIM.BASE":-meteorological data for the separate years:-monthly and annual amount of the rainfal,humidity of the air,clounes,wiev,the speed of the wind;atmospheric preasure,atmospheric phenomena,show cover,duration of the sun shinning,the ability of sight along horizont the speed of wind,rainfal for the cold and varm periods,temperature of the air and the surface the soil,extremal significance(maximum and minimum) all climatic information and other. "HYDRO.BASE":- the main hydrological characteristics:-the level of the water of the river,the average and the characterial spending of the water of the river,the temperature of the river water,ices phenomena on rivers,spending and florage of chemical composition of the river water,vibration from the water surface;flowing of the rivers and their spendings in minimal,average and maximal levels,summarized layer of flowing for rivers(mm) and annual flowing of brogth materials; data of water collection of rivers:-length of the river (from the dirth place and from the most distant point of river grid in km.),inclination of river (average and average-weighted in %),the square of the water collection(kv^2), the average hight of the water collection(m), the middle inclination of the water collection (%), the intensity of the river grid (km/km^2),forestness(%),chemical characterstics river water,and other. "GEOLOGY.BASE";-quantitative and qualitative data for rock(age and litological characteristics); tectonic and neotectonic characteristics of studied territory; characteristics of paleogeosystem in the different geology times. "ECON.SOCIO.BASE":-quantity of population town and village types settlements; economical information for all types industry;questioning data received by means of learning the opinion of all inhabitants of town and village settlements which consists of the following elements:-quantity of the family members, sex,social orientations,the place of appointing of the trip,service,relations,means of transport,migration, timelosening and others. "GEOECO.BASE"- information for atmospheric,soil,plant and water pollution, information for natural reservation,marine pollution,medico-geographical information for all habitants and ecological information for zoological communityand other f)Composing application program "GEOLAN" for the analysis of geosystem and its components,which have the following structure: The structure of packet application program "GEOLAN" "PROCEDURA":- the library of the procedure for managing the computer,banding the applicational program with bases of data and others. "PRICLAND":-classification and modelling of interrelation and the structure of components of the landscapes(geosystems) with aim of forecsting and regionating with the method of facroral, regressional,discriminantal,clusteral, information- statistical,suppositional-statistical analysis; modelling of the spatial-temporal structure of the landscapes(geosystems) ,funding out complexes, contrasty, unhomogenousity, splitedness of the landscape structure of the region,matrix computation in the palaeolandscape investigation for description of more particable structure and their characteristic elements such as determination of structure"s care and interrelation of structural elements of geographical complexes within the alternation of leadership in time; matrix analysis of landscape(geosystem) neighbourhood(meeting);matrix analysis of positional resemblance;modelling and mathematical analysis of emergent characteristic general geosystem. "GEOMORPHO.LOGY":- morphometrical and kinematic modelling of the Earth surface as a pole of hights and approxsimation methods of differencial and integral calculations;classification of the elements of the relief with the methods of the functional analysis; modelling of the relief with the methods of the functional analysis;modelling of the speed and the acceleration of the weeking geomorphological processes with the methods of the differencial calculations and the theory of accidental functions;modelling of geomorphological processes by the methods of the differencial calculations and accidental functions and other. "PEDOLOGY":-investigation of the spatial short-time structure of the soil cover by the method of the suppositional-statistical and informational-statistical analysis; 2D and 3D modelling of spatial organization soil cover. "GEOBOTAN": mathematical-statistical modelling plant cover structure,investigation of the variaty of species and gens of the plant societes,classification and funding out linear interrelation of the plant cover width the other covers of the landscape,composing of the structural-analythical maps on biological productivity and on the degree of the spolling of the natural state and others. "ZOOLOGY":-quantitative analysis of species of faun for each natural zone,graph modelling of ecological coridors for all zoological individuums. "METEO.CLIM":- modelling of the spatial-temporal structure of poles meteoelements by means of spatial correlational functions,dimensional splains,regressional analysis and other;research of the short time structure of the meteorological order with the application of the autocorrelational and autostructural(normating,non-normating and pseudo-normating function) functions,interstructural functions and other; modelling of subpositional-statistical characteristics of poles and order of meteoelements;investigation of influence climatic factors on the soil-plants covers and other. "HYDRO.LOGY":-investigation of the homogenic of the orders of hydrological units by methods of suppositional- statistical modelling; research of the character of the distribution of the hydrological units by the methods of the theory of distribution;investigation of the inter-order units of the relations the processes of the river florage by the methods of correlational and spectral analysis; investigation of the many years vibrations of the florage by the methods of the simple chain of Marcov and others; research of the relation betveen hydrological changables by the help of the spatial correlational functions and other. "GEOLOGY":-informational-statistical modelling of spatial cover of rock and its 2D 3D graphical models;trend analysis of geological processes,correlational analysis with of the rock covers and other covers of landscape components; spectral analysis of linear and contour image of geological structure and other. "SYSTEMO.LOGY":-complex system program and system procedures for geographical research on computer;complex MS-DOS utilities-is desing for fulfilling various systemic procedures as for example copyring out information from one magnetic disco to the other or from the magnetic ribbon to the magnetic disco;addition and taking avay the package of geoinformation and program organized by the direct. "ECON.SOCIO.LOGY":quantitative analysys and classification and typology of the town and village settlements by the social-economic levels of developments,linear and non-linear regressive analysis of demographical processes,factoral,componental,discriminantal and possibility-statistical analysis of the social-economic situation and factors in the town type and village settlements,analysis of the intersettlemental cultural-everyday service relations and recreational activity and other. "CARTO.GRAPHIC.PROGRAM":-complex cartographical program for composing structural-analythical maps and 2d-3D models for spatial-temporal organizations of landscapes(geosystems) and its components. "STUDENT.PROGRAM":-educational software for students:-dialogical program supply for studied territory:-physical and socio-economical geography geonorphology ,hydrology,soilgeography,fitogeography,biogeography,climatology,hydrogeology,geolo gy,industry,agriculture,naturaly and anthropogenic landscapes settlements,and future problems in research territory,which may be used in examination processes of different courses. "GEOECO.MAPPING":-composing mathematico-analythical maps for use geoecological problems( 2d and 3d cartographical modelling on computer with aim of solution the different problems of environmental protection tasks) in the Azerbaijan . Expected Results In the final stage the following results may be received: 1.Geographical data bank "AZGEODAT":-which may give us regular geoinformation receiving from all territory of our Republic for solution of problems of rational nature utilitization and environment protection; 2.Regularly receiving useful geoinformation from European geocommunication system and from GRID(Global Resource Information Danabase), and different sources of National Geographic Data Bank which may be helpful in the solution environmental protection problem . b)Package application program "GEOLAN"(GEOgraphical LANdscape),which may help for everyday,monthly and annual controlling of conduct of the geosystem and its components,by means of draw and printing analythical maps of states and geoprocesses on the investigated terrytory. 5.Significance and Application of Expected Results By means of use above mentioned research we may solve the following tasks: a)Rational nature utilitization by means of controlling the conduct of geosystem and its components on the base printing analythical maps for states and geoprocesses on the investigated territory and Global Change Problems on this territory. b)Assesment of naturaly landscape with the aim of recreation and tourism,by means of composing the maps "Contrast of landscape structure","Change of landscape cover by geological centure and by everyday" and etc. c)Desing and planing in agriculture and in any field of industry,required of composing "Differentation","Unhomogenousity","Mosaicality"' and other analythical maps for spatial-temporal organization of geosystems and its components. d)Desing and building of new town and large-scale projects required the composing of "Geographical prognosting maps" for conducting of geosystem and its components in the long terms perion,and other. Experiments This project has been experimented on the territory of Minor Caucasus(Eastern part) but cannot finish,in connection with financial problems of our Azerbaijan Republic. I certify that this proposal project is my original work. Author: Mr.Nabiyev Alipasha Alibek 1.Head of Centre "Geoinformatics and Computer Geography" at the Baku State University 2.President of Azerbaijan Commission for ISPRS,ICA & EEAC International Organizations, 3.Teacher of the Departament of Physical-Geography Faculty of Geography,Baku State University 370148 Baku,Z.Khalilov street,23 Tel:(99412) 39-04-19, 32-27-10 E-mail: UKRL// |
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