List of scientific articles
Mr.Nabiyev Alipasha Alibek,Geographical Faculty,Baku State University,
1. Teacher of the Department of Physical geography,
2. Head Centre of Geoinformatics and Computer Geography
370148 Azerbaijan,Baku,Z.Khalilov street,23, tel(99412) 390419, 32-27-10
1.Analysis of middle angles the slope of relief in the territory of Gobustan.//Proceeding: Physical geography and geomorphology.page 53-60,Edition Azerbaijan State University named after S.NM.Kirov,Baku,1982(Co-author A.Kh.Muradova,and G.A.Kerimov)(in Russian ).
2.Organizatiion of landscape structure of Natural Territorial Complexses of the Minor Caucasus and piedmont plains(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings:Abstracts of Reports V Republician conferenceof postgraduate of the Universities of Azerbaijan SSR,p.260,Edition AZIPC,Baku,1982(in Russian ).
3.Landscape structure of natural-territorial complexes of the M.Caucasus and piedmont plains(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceeding:Reports VI Republician scientific conference of University Postgraduate of Azerbaijan SSR,volume 1,page 209-211,Edition AZPI,Baku 1984(in Russian ).
4.Meliorative pecularities of landscape of piedmont plains of the Minor Caucasus (within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings:Materials of the VII Republician scientific conference of postgraduate of Azerbaijan SSR,Volume 1,page 193,Edition AZPI,Baku,1984(in Russian ).
5.Unhomogenousity and crushnes of natural territorial complexes of the Minor Caucasus and piedmont plains(within the Azerbaijan SSR)// Proceedings: Physical-geography and geomorphology,page 71-78,Edition Azerbaijan State University Baku,1984(Co-author M.Suleimanov) (in Russian ).
6.Informational analysis of landscape structure of physico-geographical regions of the Minor Caucasus and piedmont plains(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings: Materials Scientific Conference "University scientists to production",page 76-77,Edition Azerbaijan State University named after S.M.Kirov,Baku,1984(in Russian ).
7.Reguluties of the structure of river grids of the Minor Caucasus (within the Azerbaijan SSR)// Proceedings:Materials Scientific Conference "University scientists to production",page 288-289,Edition Azerbaijan State University named after S.M.Kirov,Baku,1984(in Russian ).
8.Algorithms and programs for systemic analysis of spatial structure of mountain landscapes// Proceedings: Materials Scientific Conference "University scientists to production",page 289-300,Edition Azerbaijan State University named after S.M.Kirov,Baku,1984(in Russian ).
9.Harmonical analysis of annual flowing of rivers of the Minor Caucasus//Proceedings: Reports of V Convention Geographical Society of Azerbaijan CCP,page 162-163,Edition "ELM" AN Azerbaijan SSR,1985(Co-author G.A.Velieva)(in Russian )
10.Mathematical-statistical analysis of landscape structure of natural-territorial complexes of the M.Caucasus and piedmont plains(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings:Reports VIII Republician scientific conference of University postgraduates of Azerbaijan,volume 2,page 33,Edition AZPCI,Baku,1985(in Russian )
11.Spatial-temporal structure of landscapes of the Minor Caucasus(within the of Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings:Questions of Physical-geography and geomorphology of the Azerbaijan SSR,page 22-26,Edition Azerbaijan State University,Baku,1986 (in Russian )
12.Regional geographical data Bank "ECOFIZ"//Proceedings:Geographical systems:-Problems of modelling and control,p.24-25(Co-author Ch.Ismailov,M.S.Suleimanova,B.G.Mekhraliev),Kazan State University,Kazan,1987(in Russian .)
13.Complex program for mathematical-statistical analysis in geography //Proceedings:Application of modern methods research in geography,page 149-150,Edition Institut Geography Sibirian Section Akademy Science SSSR,Irkutsk,1987(Co-author Ch.Ismailov) (in Russian )
14.Fortran program for calculation the projection of winds and dreif of swimming ices// Proceedings:Absthacts of Reports X conference young scientist DAVNII GOSCOMGIDROMET, page 9,Edition DAVNII Goscomgidromet,Vladivostoc,1987(in Russian )(co-author
15.Landscape-Hydrological complexes of the Minor Caucasus(within the of Azerbaijan SSR)// //Proceedings:Questions of construction geography of the Azerbaijan SSR,page 11-15,Editions: Azerbaijan State University,Baku,1987(Co-authors Muradova A.Kh.,Abduev M.A.)(in Russian )
16.Modelling of social-economiccal processes the zone of recreational development of coastal part of the Caspian Sea of the Azerbaijan SSR//Proceedings:Problems of modelling and analysis of Economical development,page 26-29(Co-authors:Ibragimov A.I.,Ismailov Ch.,Sepkhanov V.T.),Edition,Tartu State University,1987(in Russian )
17.Cluster analysis of chemical composition the water of rivers of the Minor Caucasus(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings:Study of processes of the formation of chemical composition of natural water in the conditions of antropogenic influence,page 115,Part 2,(Co-author Aliev I.M.,Mamedob B.J.),Edition,Gidrometeoizdat,Leningrad,1987(in Russian )
18.Organization the data base on political Geography//Proceedings:Political Geography:Problems and tecnlogy.page 117-118(co-author Abasov R.I.)Edition:Azerbaijan State University,Baku,,1987(in Russian )
19.Intensification the calculation of reserve of oil and gas on computer//Proceedings: Intensification National
Economics on the base of Fundamental researches and mathematical modelling.p.26-30(co-author Samedov S.S.),Edition Azerbaijan State University,Baku,1988(in Russian ).
20.Program supply and data base of landscape cadastr of the Minor Caucasus(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings: Naturaly resources potential of mountainious region of Minor Caucasus,page 90,Edition,Chechen-Ingush State University,Groznu,1988(in Russian )
21.Mathematical-statistical modelling of plant cover on computer//Proceedings:Naturaly resources potential of mountainious region of Minor Caucasus,Edition,Chechen-Ingush State University Groznu,1988, page 91(Co-author Ataev G.V.,Samedov M.D.)(in Russian )
22.Composing of structural and analythical maps for the elements of landscapes on plotters// Proceedings: Thematic Cartocraphy and scientific and technical progress,page 191,Edition: Geographical Society of SSSR,Leningrad,1988(in Russian )
23.Proghram supply and data bank for systemic analysis of spatial structure of landscape components//Proceedings:Respective methods the planing and experimental analysis in the researches the accidental fields and processes,p. 158-159,Part 2,Edition:Moscov Energetic Institute,Moscov,1988(in Russian )
24.Autocorrelation analysis of long standing fluctuation of annual flowing of river of the Minor Caucasus//Proceedings:Respective methods the planing and experimental analysis in the researches the accidental fields and processes,Edition:Moscov Energetic Institute,Moscov,1988,page 133-134,Part 2(in Russian)
25.The influence of natural paleocatastrophes on reorganization of vertical structure of paleolandscapes of the Minor Caucasus(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Proceedings:Catastroph and humanity,Edition:IZANA MP INFORMGRAPH,M.P.IZANA,page 123-125,Moscov,1991(in Rus)
26.Program providing for out East ofv river flowing causing the catastrophical fluud //Proceedings: Catastroph and humanity,Edition: IZANA MP INFORMGRAPH,M.P.IZANA ,page 126-127, Moscov,1991(in Russian )
27.Computer geomultiplication of the catastroph(naturaly)//Proceedings:Catastroph and humanity,Edition:IZANA MP INFORMGRAPH,M.P.IZANA,page 125-126,Moscov,1991(in Russian)
28.Program providing and data base for physico-geographical regioning of the mountain territory with the purpose of agriculture//Proceedings:Problems of natural agricultural regioning and typology of village settlements of USSR,page 94-95,Edition:Moscov State University, Moscov,1989(in Russian )
29.Investigation for utilitization of natural landscapes in agricultural with the cartographo-statistical methods on the example for territory of the Minor Caucasus//Proceedings:Ecological and medico-geographical problems of natural utilitization of the Zakafkazia,page 221-225(co-author M.M.Mekhbaliev),Edition: Academy of Science of Armenian SSR,Erevan,1990(in Russian)
30.Vertical structure of landscapes of the Minor Caucasus(within the Azerbaijan SSR)// Proceedings:Correlation of science and practic,page 5-6,Edition:Azerbaijan State University, Baku,1989(in Russian ).
31.Influence of economic everyday life,industrial and agricultural waters of the Lencoran region of Azerbaijan //Proceedings: Please see 17,part 2,page 8,Leningrad,1986(co-author Pashaeva I.G.,Muradava A.X.)(in Russian )
32.Modelling the utilitization of natural landscapes in the agriculture//Proceedings:Problems of rational utilitization and Environment protection,page 12,Edition:Belorus State University,Minsk, 1990(co-author Abasova Z.A. Bagirov X.R.,Zulfugarova S.A.)(in Russian )
33.Program of analysis of pollution in the air in big cities//Proceedings:Geographical-Geologica XXIX,Edition: Acta University Palackianal Olomouscs Faculty Rerum Naturalium,Volumen 98-1990,page 107-122,Praha,Czechoslovakia (co-authors B.A.,M.Vysoudil)(in Russian )
34.Informational-statistical modelling on computer of spatial organization the linear erosion(river grid)//Proceedings: Eroziovedenie:-theory,practics,experiment,page 11-112,Edition: Moscov State University,Moscov,1991( in Russian )
35.Modelling on computer of social-economical processing for aim of development of the recreation//Proceedings:-Problems of rational utilitization and Environment,page 106,(co-author G.A.Efendiyeva,R.A.Alimardanov),Edition:Belorus State University,Minsk,1990(in Russian ).
36.Mopdelling on computer of structure of the plant cover of Eastern Part of Minor Caucasus for the aim of calculation and Environment of plant resources//Proceedings:Ecological problems of protection of the life nature.Edition:RU NIVCENTRE,Rostagroprom,Moscov,1990,page 48-49(co-author B.M.Velikhanova(in Russian )
37.Program providing for calculation level of pollution of water objects and composing on computer atlas//Proceedings: RU NIVCENTRE,Rostagroprom,Moscov,1990,page 51-52(co-author L.Gasanalieva)(in Russian )
39.Informational-statistical models of influence of the structure of components of geographical landscapes//Proceedings:Problems of modelling in the geomorphology.Approaches and methods .page 139-140,Edition:Novosibirsk State University,Novosibirsk,1990(in Russian )
40.Informational-statistical modelling on computer of spatial differentation of morphostructure of the Minor Caucasus//Proceedings:Problems of modelling in the geomorphology.Approaches and methods page 141-142,Edition:Novosibirsk State University,Novosibirsk,1990(in Ruissian )
41.Computer Geomorphology:-multiplication models for geomorphological processes
//Proceedings:Problems of modelling in the geomorphology.Approaches and methods Edition:Novosibirsk State University,Novosibirsk,1990,page 142-143,(in Russian )
42.Bank of geographical data "GEOBASE"//Proceedings:Problems of modelling in the geomorphology.Approaches and methods page Edition:Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk,1990,page 143-144(in Russian )
43.Mathematical-statistical analysis of structure soil cover of the Minor Cfucasus//Proceedings: Succes of pedology and agrichemistry in the Azerbaijan,page 56,Edition:"ELM" AN Azerbaijan SSR,Baku,1990(in Russian )
44.Mathematical-cartographical modelling of spatial structure of soil cover on computer(on example Eastern Part of the Minor Caucasus)//Proceedings:Materials IX postgraduate conferences Universities of Azerbaijan.page 30,Edition: Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute named after M.F.Achundov,Baku,1991 co-author Mekhraliev M.)(in Russian )
45.Program of special course "Modelling on computer in the socio-geographical researches,summary page 1-15,Edition:Baku State University,Baku1989(co-author A.I.Ibragimov)(in Azerbaijan )
46.Program of special course "basic programming in physical-geography,summary page 1-8,Edition:Baku State University,Baku,1986(co-author A.Y.Ismailov)(in Russian)
47.Program of special course "cartographical modelling on computer, sum.page 1-14,Edition:Baku State University,1988(co-author R.A.Babaev)(in Azerbaijan)
48.Program of special course "The basic of programming in physical geography ",sum.page 1-27,Edition :Baku State University 1990(Co-author Ismailovc A.I.)(in Russian)
49.Program of special course "Modelling on computer in hydrogeology ,summary page 1-22,Edition:Baku State University,1991 (co-author S.A.Samedov)(in Russian)
50.Program of special course "Modelling on computer in the research of Environment protection ",summary page 1-18,Edition:Baku State University,1990(co-author Sh.Geokchaiski)(in Azerbaijan)
51.The structure of landscapes of the Minor Caucasus(within the Azerbaijan SSR)//Manuscripts, sum.page 1-78,in Archive of Baku StateUniversity,1986(co-author S.M.Suleimanov)(in Russian )
52.Calculation and Analysis of components of swimming ices dreif on the Caspian sea// Manuscripts,summary page 1-50,in Archive of Baku State University 1986(co-author l.Veselova)
53.Landscapes of river basins of the Minor Caucasus.Mathematical-cartographical modelling and programming//Manuscripts,sum.page 1-24,Baku State Univ.,1986(in Rus.)
54.Territorial distribution of ion flowing of river of the Minor Caucasus (within the Azerbaijan Republic)//Proceedings:Study of processes of the formation of chemical composition of natural water in the conditions of antropogenic influence,page 10,part 1,(co-author A.Kh.Muradava)(in Russian )
55.Research of influence of natural paleocatastroph on reorganization of spatial organization of landscape of the Minor Caucasus for the aim of reveal of ecology of unsteady territory// Proceedings: Rational utilitization of nature of the mountains country,page 25,Edition: Kirgiz State University. Bishkek,1991(co-author Ascerov S.,Suleimanova N.S.)(in Russian )
56.Map of contrasts of landscape structure of Eastern Part of the Minor Caucasuis for the aim of rational utilitization of nature//Proceedings: Rational utilitization of nature of the mountains country,Edition: Kirgiz State
University. Bishkek,1991,page 29,(co-author F.B.Kalantarova)(in Russian )
57.The influence of natural paleocatastrophe to the structure of paleolandscape of
M.Caucasus(in the limit of Azerbaijan Republic)//Proceedings: Second International Congress
on Paleoecology.Late abstracts,page 5-8,Nanjing,P.R.China,1991(in English )
58.The program providing and data base for the analysis of socio-economic development
of the town type and village settlements//Proceedings:Second European Conference on GIS
page 305,Edition: Utr
Геоинформационные карты административных районов Азербайджана//В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
объем 100кб. (со автор Годжаева Ш. И.)
Геоинформационные карты водных ресурсов Азербайджана
// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
объем 100кб. (со автор Алиева НасибГеографическая мультимедиа Тюркского мира. // В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
объем 100кб. (со автор Ахмедова Гюнай Илгар кызы).
4. Геоинформационные карты по охране природы Азербайджанской республики.// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
ОБЪЕМ 100 кб(со автор Джамалова Гюльзар Низами кызы).
5. Компьютерная геомультимедиа природы Азербайджана
// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г
ОБЪЕМ 100 кб. (со автор Козырева Кристина Олеговна)
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г
объем 1 стр.
7. ТЕОРИЯ КОМПЬЮТЕРНОЙ ГЕОГРАФИИ И ГЕОИНФОРМАЦИ-ОННАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ: определение, методы, задачи и продукты// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г
4 стр.
8. Геоинформационные карты природных ланшафтов Азербайджана
// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г
объем 100 кб
(со автор Насибова Сахане Эфенди гызы)
9. Геоинформационная карта исторических памятников Азербайджана
// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
ОБЪЕМ 100 кб. (со автор Рашидова Эсмира Юнис кызы)
10. Геоинформационная карта Сабаильского Муниципалитета г. Баку
// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
ОБЪЕМ 100 кб. (со автор Халилова Камале Рафик кызы)
11. Геоинформационные карты природных памятникоа Азербайджана
// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
ОБЪЕМ 100 кб(со автор Шекилиева Сабина Ахмед кызы)
12. Геоинформационное моделирование почвенных ресурсов Азербай-джанской республики// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
а Ахмед кызы).
объем 100 кб(со автор Ярахмедова Залина Эфендиевна)
13. Видео учебник «Общая физическая география»
// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
объем 100 кб. (со автор Абдуллаева Арзу Тофик кызы)
14. Создание географической информационной системы Азербайджана и штата Калифорния (США) для сравнительного анализа сходств приро-ды и хозяйства// В электронном сборнике "ЮНЕСКО «Информация для всех»:"ВСЕОБЩИЙ ДОСТУП К ИНФОРМАЦИИ"
Международная конференция в Санкт-Петербурге 23-25 июня 2004 г.
100 кб. (со автор Басырова Элмира Анатолиевна)
Геоинформационная система для органов управления городских и сельских поселений Азербайджана //Материалы 2-ой Всероссийской конференции «Информационное обеспечение градостроительства и тер-риториального развития России» 20-22 июля 2004 г., Казань
http://www.gisa.ru/17418.html (со авторы Джамалова Г.Н. , Абдуллаева А.Т., Ярахмедова З.Э., Халилова К.Р.)
Geographical Multimedia of Turik World// “Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
http://www.confifap.cpic.ru/spb2004/eng/reports/theme_123.html (со author Akhmedova Gunay Ilgar kizi)
Geoinformation Maps of Water Resource of Azerbaijan//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(со author Alieva Nasiba)
26. Geoinformation Maps of the Nature Protection of Azerbaijan Republic
//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(со author Djamalova Gulzar Nizamievna)
27. Geoinformation Map of Sabail Municipalitet of Baku
//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(со author Khalilova Kamale)
28. Computer geomultimedia of the nature of Azerbaijan
//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(co author Kozireva Kristina )
29. THE THEORY OF COMPUTER GEOGRAPHY AND GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:definition, methods, tasks and products//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
6 стр.
30. Geoinformation Maps of the Landscapes of Azerbaijan//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(co author Nasibova Sahane Efendi gizi)
31. Geinformation map of historical monuments of Azerbaijan//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(co author Rashidova Esmira Yunis kizi)
32. Geoinformation maps of the natural monuments of Azerbaijan //“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(co author Shekiliyeva Sabina Akhmed kizi)
33. Geoinformation modelling of Azerbaijan republic soil resources //“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
( co author Yarakhmedova Zalina Efendievna)
34. Videotextbook «General Physical Geography» //“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(co author Abdullaeva Arzu Tofik kizi)
35. Creation of Geographical Information System of Azerbaijan and the State of California, USA for Comparative Analysis of Nature and Economy» //“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(co author Basirova Elmira Anatolievna)
36. Geoinformation Maps of the Administrative regions of Azerbaijan//“Information for all” UNESCO Programme Universal Access to Information International conference in St. Petersburg, Russia 23-25 June 2004
(co author Godjaeva Shakhnigar Isakhan kizi)
40. COMPUTER GEOMULTIPLICATION OF THE NATURAL CATAS-TROPHIES//8th international seminar earthquake prognostics
Publish year: 1372 year http://www.ngdir.ir/Papers/PapersDetail.asp?PID=475
41. THE INFLUENCE OF NATURAL PALEOCA TASTROPHY TO THE STRUCTURE OF PALE LANDSCAPE CAUCASIS MINOR (IN THE LIM-ITS OF AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC) - 8th international seminar earthquake prognostics - 1372 year http://www.ngdir.ir/Papers/PapersDetail.asp?PID=497
42.Computer Geography and Geoinformation Maps//International Confer-ence "MAP ASIA-2004, August 26-29,2004 Beijing,China
http:.//www.gisdevelopment.net/technology/gis/ma04277abs.htm 100Kb
43.Electronic Maps of Water Resources of Azerbaijan //International Confer-ence "MAP ASIA-2004, August 26-29,2004 Beijing,China
http:.//www.gisdevelopment.net/application/nrm/water/overview/ma04279abs.htm 100kb.